Idea Hsieh 謝義錩 (TAIPEI)

出生於台灣新竹的藝術家謝義錩先生,自幼就顯示出在藝術方面的天賦。20 歲之前已獲得包括“台北市美展”等各種美術展出的第一名。隨著70 年代西方波普藝術的影響,開始在廣告設計及版畫領域獲得學術以及商業上的認可。

由於時代的特殊環境,給了謝義錩先生在商業美術設計領域盡情發揮的空間,使其對美術與商業的結合有著最超前的認識和意識。 正式這種環境下,謝義錩先生在亞洲商業開始創造奇跡的同時,用他專業的美術功底為亞洲商業美術設計也開創并確立了新的標準和方向。

直到90 年代,謝義錩先生以美術設計師的身份得到了來自藝術協會/企業/設計協會等商界/學界的高度認可。隨著時間來到千禧年,謝義錩老師並未想著退休生活。而是總結提煉前半生的經驗,投身于新的藝術創作之中。拿起刮板畫筆,開啟了新的思考。

我們今天給大家呈現的許多畫作的第一筆都來自千禧年前後。謝義錩老師又用了20 年,日復一日,不厭其煩的修改添加每一幅油畫。使畫面的層次富有更多的維度,大小結構中包含更多的動態,顏色重新達到新的平衡。

Born in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Artist Idea Hsieh has began to show talen since childhood. By the age of 20, he has won the first place in various art exhibitions, including "Taipei fine arts exhibition". With the influence of western pop art in the 1970s, he began to gain academic and commercial recognition in the field of advertising design and printmaking.

Due to the special environment of the times, Mr. Hsieh was given the space to play in the field of commercial art design, which made him have the most advanced understanding and awareness of the combination of art and business. In this environment, Mr. Hsieh began to create miracles in Asian business, and used his professional art skills to create and establish new standards and directions for Asian commercial art design.

Until the 1990s, Mr. Hsieh was highly recognized as an art designer from the business/scholars of the Art Association/Corporate/Design Association. As time went to the millennium, Master Hsieh did not think about retirement, but summarize his experience of the first half of life, and devoted to the new artistic creation. Picking up the scraping brush opened up a new thinking.

Many of the first paintings we present you today are from around the millennium. Mr. Hsieh spent another 20 years, day after day, endlessly modifying every oil painting. So that the layers of the picture have more dimensions, the size structure contains more dynamics, and the color reaches a new balance.

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20180708 上善若水 195 x 130cm 2018,   oil on canvas

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20170718 富貴 130 x 97.5 cm   2017,   oil on canvas

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20170612 若水十象之9    127 x 87 cm 2017,   oil on canvas

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20161115 上善若水 97.5 x 130 cm 2016,   oil on canvas

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20161028 上善若水 130 x 97.5 cm 2016,   oil on canvas

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20170715 璀璨 97.5 x 130 cm 2017,   oil on canvas


20180818 炫麗 120 x 143 cm   2018,   oil on canvas

聯絡我們 / Contact us 地址:香港 黃竹坑道30號 長德工業大廈 1樓108號 Address:#108, 1/F, Cheung Tak Industrail Bldg,
               Wong Chuk Hang, HK 預約電話:+852 3618-7846 (Appointment  Only)