Juan Esteban Usubillaga (BOULDER, CO)

美籍委內瑞拉藝術家 又名Onecho, 因作品在光線中的大膽且具有獨特的創想與發揮,得到了Google 公司的青睞並收藏予Google Boulder Campus。其作品帶出對光的各種形式之表達,總給人以無限的遐想。

過去的10 年中,藝術家不斷的在尋找不同的角度、意識去觀察創作“光/影”,為其系列作品積攢和提煉了充足的能量。正是對光的創作執著,使藝術家Juan 先生的作品在百花齊放的美國藝術圈中脫穎而出。

在2018 年末由著名藝術代理人Brendan Burns 先生代理其作品,參展2018 邁阿密Art Basel藝術展。展出之後更不斷收到來自世界各地資深代理人的邀請。 為其作品在歐洲與美洲部分城市陸續展出。更多業界重量級畫廊也開始關注這位頗具才華的藝術家。

作為藝術家Juan 先生的摯友,而且我們遠在亞洲的藝術之都。Art Actually 為大家榮譽呈現藝術家Juan Usubillaga 每個創作時期最得意的畫作精選。

Venezuelan American artist Onecho, also known as Onecho, has been favored by Google and collected by Google Boulder Campus because of his bold and unique creation and expression in light. His works bring out various forms of expression of light and always give people infinite reverie.

In the past 10 years, Onecho has been looking for different perspectives and consciousness to observe and create "light/shadow", accumulating and refining enough energy for his series of works. The obsession with light that makes Onecho's works stand out from the rest of the American art scene.

At the end of 2018, Mr. Brendan Burns, a famous Art agent, represented Onecho’s works at Art Basel Miami 2018. After that, more invitations of senior agent from all over the world arrived. In Europe and some cities in the US , Onecho’s works successively exhibited. More heavyweights in the art industry are paying attention to this talented artist.

As a close friend of the artist , we are far away in the art capital of Asia. Art Actually proudly presents a selection of the artist Onecho's favorite paintings from every period of his life.






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